Sidney Woodruff shows other students how to measure a pond turtle


The Challenge

Successful stewardship of natural ecosystems critically depends on understanding the ecological and evolutionary impacts of rapid, human-mediated habitat change on individuals, populations, communities, and ecosystems. The next generation of environmental scientists must be equipped to study these phenomena and communicate their findings to the public, resource managers, and policymakers. And because the next generation of environmental scientists will be confronting challenges that affect the diversity of human societies and cultures across the nation and globe, scientific training and environmental justice become inextricably linked.

Our Response

Carmen Cortez
Dr. Carmen Cortez, an alumna of CSU Fullerton, studied milpas in Belize for her dissertation research at UC Davis. Photo credit: UC Davis

In the Ecology, Evolution, Equity, and Environmental Change (4EC) REU, we will prepare diverse undergraduates to address these challenges. They will be guided by UC Davis faculty members with established records as skilled mentors and who conduct use-inspired, multi-disciplinary research on the impacts of humans on ecosystems and the services they provide to diverse communities and societies. 

Thus, the 4EC REU provides students with immersion into research and professional development in preparation for a career in ecology and evolutionary biology. 

  • 4EC scholars will conduct individual mentored research aimed at understanding ecological and evolutionary responses of organisms, communities, and ecosystems to rapid environmental change.
  • The program will incorporate guided discussions of environmental justice and societal implications in the context of scholars’ research.
  • Professional development includes training in scientific communication, instruction in responsible conduct of research, a short course in the scripting language R, information about careers in environmental biology, field trips to nearby research reserves, and post-program mentoring.
  • Scholars will become part of a comprehensive network of mentoring that includes other undergraduate researchers, as well as graduate students, postdocs, and faculty.

Engagement with scholars’ communities, including family members and faculty mentors, also constitutes a key part of the 4EC REU.  

4EC REU scholars will stay in UC Davis residence halls. We provide meals, a bicycle for local transportation, and a stipend of $5,150 for the eight-week program.

Explore the pages below to learn more about the 4EC program.